Monday, April 15, 2013

Stem and Leaf Plot

Above is a simplified example of a stem and lead plot, this is utilized for presenting quantitative data in a graphical format.  The design of this map makes it easy to assist in visualizing the distribution of a selected data.  The above image is a detailed example of how to form a stem and lead plot and breaks down the numerical value input process, this map type is utilized in graphing values such as test scores for a class.

Box Plot Map

Above is an example of a Box Plot, although it is a simplified projection of data, it is also vary useful.  This map type is utilized in descriptive statistics, it is one of the easiest ways to depict numerical data through summaries using boxes as shown above.  In close observation, a median amount, highest, lowest, lower and higher value is displayed. Above is attempting to show the distribution of conditional residual by person. 

Histogram Map

Above being represented is an example of a Histogram Map, this is a graphical representation of the distribution of a selected amount of data.  This is ideal for showing distribution of data and comparison of a control.  Above shows the distribution of the height of 30 people in centimeters relative to the frequency of that particular height.

Parallel Coordinate Graph Map

Above shown is an example of a Parallel Coordinate Graph map, this intensified looking map is utilized by aiding the visualization of high-dimensional geometry to help analyze data.  The map shows a set of points in a dimensional area with the use of parallel lines to show its data and meaning. The map above is being used to show historical financial data of a company to analyze its financial trends.

Triangular Plot Map

Above is an example of a Triangular Plot map, this map type uses three sides to show comparison between three different values of data.  Above is showing the type of votes and variations between the three types including liberal democrat vote, labour vote, and the conservative vote.

Windrose Map

Above is an example of a Wind Rose map type, this is a graphic tool that is most commonly used by meteorologists to provide data on wind speed and direction.  This concept is derived from the historical compass rose that is found on a map that provides cardinal direction.  Wind rose's are useful and easy to entertain by meteorologists by using color bands showing wind ranges.

Climograph Map

Above is an example of a climograph,  this map type is closely related to population profile map, whereas the information can vary that's being provided.  In this example it is portraying the weather climate chance in Quebec, Canada, this map type makes it easy to see the high and lows of the temperatures, which for the common purpose is the most people are generally concerned with when researching the weather.

Population Profile Map

Above is a Population Profile map, this map type is responsible for presenting the number of people in a selected population as a function of people's age.  This information is generally provided by the United States Census, in this example this map is representing the population profile of its people in Northern Ireland from 1971 to 2043.  With continuous data available, cartographers are able to project the data to the future by following trends.

Scatterplot Map

Above is Scatterplot map, this map is a mathematical diagram that uses coordinates to display values for variables, usually two at a time. In most cases, there will be a constant variable held and represented by a line on the graph surrounded by various dots to deliver the data to its viewer.
This mapping type is being utilized to display the k% vs. ISO, having relation to the medical and exercise science field.


Index Value Plot

Above is an example of a Index Value Plot, this map is a good way to show change of a numerical value and flow.  This representation is of a statistical regression correlated to the closing of the DOW market, against the reopening of the market. 

Accumulative Line Graph

Above is an example of an Accumulative Line Graph, this map type originates from a chart and utilizes data series through points and lines to show frequency of a variable.  In this case, economic loss as a result from injury is being displayed.

Bilateral Graph

Above being represented is a Bilateral Graph map, this map type is ideal for displaying two inputs of information and using it to compare or contrast.  This type of data delivery may not be viewed as a map, but the underlying idea is that it is showing direction, numerically.  In this case, it is a report by the FDIC, showing its percentage of debt assets including long-term mortgage assets compared against construction and development loans outstanding.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

Above is referred to a Nominal Area Choropleth map, this map type is a thematic map that is utilized for displaying areal data.  As in ordinance with typical choropleth maps, colors and shading are used in order to help the audience view and understand the data being displayed.  Nominal Area maps are ideal for comparison purposes, above is displaying minority groups with the highest population per state.

Unstandardized Choropleth Map

Above is an example of an Unstandardized Choropleth map, this map type holds the same values as a typical choropleth map but with the difference in the data being portrayed. Unstandardized maps utilize raw data on the map rather than data that has been standardized.   The map above represents rainfall water withdrawals with the numerical data represented in millions of gallons.

Standardized Choropleth Map

Above is an example of a Standardized Choropleth Map, still under the rules this is still considered a choropleth map, but the data is standardized to allow comparison of the data distribution.  This is a great way to represent numerical data of large groups in an area.  Above is a map of Canada that is representing adult obesity in 2005, with all data deriving from adults over the age of 18.

Univariate Choropleth Map

Above is an Univariate Choropleth Map, this map type is useful for portraying data that is derived from one variable.  This map is still considered a choropleth map by all underlying factors, but the biggest attribute that differentiates it from other choropleths is that it only represents one variable. The map above shows the estimated median household income for the contiguous United States in 2008.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

Above is an example of a Bivariate Choropleth map,  this map type is utilized by displaying to variables on one map ad combines two different sets of graphic symbols or colors. This is useful being that it can covey two separate data(s) together which can be useful for showing a contrast in amounts or before and after results. This map is showing the difference of per capita results from the winter Olympians to the summer Olympians.

Unclassed Choropleth Map

Above shown is an Unlcassed Choropleth map, this map type is very similar to the classed choropleth map with a little different approach to represent the data.  This map type do not use an average statistic that relates to a particular color.  This map type is a good but different approach to giving the audience the data they need and allows them to use their intuition to determine the result of the data.  Above is a perfect example, the United States presidential election, the states are colored to represent either the republican or democratic side, looking at this data it is easy to observe who is winning at this point in time.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Classed Choropleth Map

Above is a Classed Choropleth Map, this is a type of thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed.  This map above represents a one year forecast change in jobs throughout the United States.  Where green shading corresponds to a better forcasted change in job growth. By using color coordination and a legend this makes for a easily read and understandable map.

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

Above is a Range Graded Proportional Circle Map, this map uses circles to represent numerical values that make it readily available and easy to decipher in differences attempting to be displayed.
By using an object such as circle with a proportional representation it is easy to see the difference in amounts.  Above, this map is delivering the amount of Mexican people in the western United States in the year 1990, with such a useful map it is east to see that the top two populated areas where within Texas and California in that time period.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

Above is a Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map, these map types use shaded areas according to a key to represent values numerically. Population density is being expressed in this particular map, this type is closely related to a choropleth map, which are useful for indicating differences to be expressed through a map image. The map above is a report completed by the Czech Republic that is meant to represent population density.


Above represented is a DOQQ map, also more commonly known as a Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle. This map type is a computer generated image of an aerial photograph that displaces the image based off of terrain relief an camera tilt.  This image originates from the original image characteristics as well as georeferenced qualities that are incorporated into the map. Most DOQQ map images are in black and white, with some neutral color or infrared color incorporated.


Above shown is a DEM map, short for Digital Elevation Model, this is a representation of a chosen area of Earth's surface to show the terrain in a detailed fashion. DEM's are closely related to DSM's (Digital Surface Model) and DTM's (Digital Terrain Model), whereas the DSM shows the surface without objects like plants or buildings. A DEM can be represented as a raster,  and are generated b using remote sensing techniques in relation with land surveying.


Above is a DLG map, which is also known as a Digital Lin Graph map.  This map type is a cartographic feature that is used to represent a digital vector that is distributed by the U.S. Geological Survey.  DLG's are collected from USGS maps and a represented in large and both small scale forms with various different categories of features.  This particular DLG is representing the state of Illinois from the data provided by the USGS map information.


Above shown is an  example of a DRG map, which is short for a Digital Raster Graphic map, this map type is  result of the scan of a paper USGS topographic map.  These map types are created by USGS, and are regularly used for GIS applications.  DRG's are scanned from 250 pixels per inch per resolution, for example at 1:24,000 1 inch represents 2,000 feet on the ground and each DRG pixel corresponds to an area of about 8 feet.  The map above shows an area of Buskill, Pennsylvania
 mainly with the intention to depict the area of Depue Island and its surroundings.

Isoleth Map

Above is an example of an Isopleth map, this map type uses lines joining points of an equal value to show variations in that value e.g. contour lines on a topographical map, isobars on a weather map.  This map is not strictly confined to weather uses, for example this Isopleth map is conveying the amount of deaths in California as a result of the H1N1 virus in 2009.  The darker shaded regions represent the higher death toll where the lighter shaded regions represent the lower death toll regions.

Isopach Map

Above shown is an example of an Isopach map, this map type is utilized for illustrating thickness variations within a certain area. Isopach lines are a type of contour line,  this map type is most commonly used for hydrographic surveys, stratigraphy, sedimentology and structural geology uses.  This map is showing the thickness of the southern part of England's English Chanel. As in relation with maps that use contour lines, the closer concentration of lines depict a larger amount of thickness.

Isohyet Map

Above is an example of an Isohyet map, this map type uses lines to convey rainfall in an area. The concentration of lines on the map shows the area that is forecasted to receive the most rain for the longest duration of time.  Moving outwards from the concentration, over Drake, the surrounding areas will receive less amounts of rain as shown by the map. This map is showing the weather to be expected over Colorado State University, in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Isotach Map

Above shown is an example of an Isotach map, this map type uses lines to show wind speed and trends through out a selected region. As noted, this represents a map from a height of 500mb and shows average wind speed of 250 mb, the area shown is the in central region of the United States.

Isobar Map

Above shown is known as an Isobar map, this map type uses lines to represent atmospheric pressure that is portrayed on a meteorological map. Each line overlays a particular pressure amount, using the values indicated for that point, meteorologists are able to read and determine pressure systems from this map. This particular map shows western South Dakota and a portion of Wyoming,  this was constructed on May 6th, 1999.  In this pressure system, each isobar represents a 4mb pressure difference.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Above is an image of LIDAR, this type of mapping is extremely helpful in urban modeling and planning.  This technology converts information in basic LIDAR format to an image shown above, this depicts a LIDAR image of New York, New York.  This technology is the future in planning and architectural creations, the software allows for change with changes done to the raw data of LIDAR.


Doppler Radar

Above is an image of Doppler Radar, this is a very familiar image being that meteorologists use this as one of their most important tools.  Doppler Radar provides a reading of weather change that shows transitions of weather and climate in a certain area. The above radar image is of Tallahassee, Florida showing some mild to severe weather conditions.

Black and White Aerial Photo

Above is a Black and White Aerial Photo,  these are images that are taken from elevation over a scene or desired location. As the name describes it, the photo is taken in black and white, this photo is of Kansas city.  Black and white pictures and maps have a certain look to them that helps to see lighting in the dark, giving it a unique style.

Infrared Aerial Photo

Above is a Infrared Aerial Photo,  with use of infrared film, images are taken with the use of wave lengths and placed on an electromagnetic spectrum.  The wave lengths used are not visible to the naked eye, these images are extremely useful to many types of audiences in representing certain aerial views, most commonly the military.  The image above depicts and area of California showing body of water.

Cartographic Animation

Above is an example of an Cartographic Animation, in this example it is recognizable to most that this is an image of a Doppler Radar screen shot.  Doppler Radar is a very useful form of cartographic animation in showing the days weather trends, including climate and even harmful storms. This image shows the Orlando, Florida area experiencing some harsh weather, by the looks of the storm it seems to be either a tropical depression or even a hurricane.

Statistical Map

Above is a Statistical Map, this maps shows in different ways and techniques certain statistics, possibly including birth rate, death rate, murder rate or even suicide rate.  Above depicts police misconduct rates,  it is asserted that the larger the city, the higher the rate of police misconduct, but this is also in a higher correlation of actual crime rate statistics.


Above is a Cartogram, it is a thematic mapping technique that shows a distinguished variable such as population, time change, gross national product and more.  Certain areas of the map are distorted in order to depict information of the alternative variable that is available.  The main two types of cartograms are either distance or area, these maps are historic in the sense they have been being used since the 1800s.

Flow Map

Above is a Flow Map, this map usually depicts a mix of maps to show movement from one to another.  This map can also be called a Thinking Map, because it shows a persons though process in what their day will consist of.  Above is an individuals mapping of how to make a peanut butter sandwich, notice the flow of transition in the process of creating the sandwich.

Isoline Map

Above is an Isoline Map, this type of a map is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional model using isolines to depict the data.  These maps generally show precipitation, temperature and other weather related models.  Above the mean annual precipitation of Mexico is being depicted, where areas with contour lines that are closer together represents high levels of rainfall.

Proportional Circle Map

Above is a Proportional Circle Map, this map consists of multiple circles in an area in order to create point data.  The circles are in proportion to the variable being depicted and measured, this map can be used to show rates of change, population or currency holding value. The map above shows the leading candidate in the presidential election of 2008.

Choropleth Map

Above is a Choropleth Map which is a thematic map in which areas are shaded in proportion to the measurement of a statistical This type of map is utilized when showing population density or per-capita income, above the map is depicting the change in divorce rates between 1980 and 1990. 

Dot Distribution Map

Above is a Dot Distribution map, this type of map uses a distribution of multiple dots to represent a numerical value that can show population, sickness, poverty or any other variable to explain a certain aspect.  Above represents the cumulative AIDs cases as of September of 1997, each point represents 30 cases of aids, with a concentration in the north east region of the United States.

Propaganda Map

Above is a Propaganda Map, the intention of this map is the same as typical propaganda but displayed in a map content in order to try to persuade its audience into thinking or doing a certain action. This type of propaganda through the use of a map has a history for reaching its audience and gaining their attention.  This particular map above has quite the story to it, so for this map it worked for its purpose.

Hypsometric Map

Above is a Hypsometric Map, this map is used to depict land configuration and also to show relief in a selected area. By using colors and a legend it is easily viewed above which areas are elevated and which areas are not.  This map may sometimes use contour lines and three-dimensional relief to establish an understanding from the audience using the map.


Above is PLSS Map, which is short for Public Land Survey System, this is used to record ownership of property by sections or township.  This system generally uses a 1:100,000 scale and is one of the most historic land use survey systems used in the United States.  Shown in this PLSS Map is the Worthington quadrangle and how this particular area is separated into sections.


Cadastral Map

Above is a Cadastral Map, also known as a Cadastral Survey, which is a register of the metes and bounds real property of a country.  This helps to establish and determine details of ownership, using coordinates of a precise location to help determine the value of a parcel of land.  This image shows Brody, Austria and was designed back in 1844.

Thematic Map

Above is a Thematic Map, the intention of this map is to depict a particular theme connected within a selected geopraphic area.  Many variables include but not limited to the following: economic, political, social, agricultural aspects of a certain region. This particular map is showing soil moisture regimes of the United States, provided by Albers Equal Area Projection.

Topographic Map

Above depicts what is known as a Topographic Map,  this type of map is generally characterized by large-scale detail and detailed representation of relief.  Relief is shown through the use of contour lines, which when these lines meet depict a certain elevation represented in the map.  This Topographic map is showing the Swamp Canyon Trail portion of Bryce Canyon National Park.

Planimetric Map

Above depicts a Planimetric map, which is a map that represents only the horizontal position of features, roads, buildings, etc, also known as a Line Map in certain situations.  This map is originally from the US Department of Transportation and shows a small scale area of our very own Florida State Campus some time ago.  Notice to the bottom center, the name "Woodville".

Mental Map

Above conveys a mental map, it is person's personal point of view perception of their own world.  This map was drawn by Andrew Shears, it is his own depection of the world from his memory.  This type of map is generally studied in the field of social sciences and modern day geographers enabling researchers to see a person's personal preference in design of a map and see in  their terms what is practical, an example would also be driving directions.